Laser Hair Removal is the process of reducing and removing unwanted body hair. Aire Medical Spa uses the most up to date laser hair removal device to give you smooth and soft skin! Traditional methods like shaving, waxing, and plucking are ineffective, messy, and damage your skin. Laser hair removal saves time, money, and embarrassing moments when you forget to shave! Laser hair removal targets the root of the hair follicle, damages it, and then the follicle is destroyed. This provides a significant reduction in unwanted hair. Hair follicles have 3 phases of growth cycle and they can only be destroyed in the active growing phase (anagen). This is why multiple laser hair removal treatment sessions are necessary. It is also important to understand that although laser hair removal removes unwanted hair, it is not permanent, and maintenance is required.

At Aire Medical Spa we provide the best technology to produce the best outcomes for our patients! InMode, the creator of Morpheus8, also has Triton for laser hair removal. InMode Triton uses the most up to date technology and is FDA cleared to allow for simultaneous firing of multiple wavelengths to treat a wide range of hair removal concerns. It is safe, comfortable, and effective for all skin tones and ALL hair colors including blonde and red. Unlike traditional lasers that require 6, 8, or 10+ sessions, with Triton there is 70-80% of hair clearance in just 3 treatments. Triton is also quick and efficient! Even large areas that normally take a long time, like the entire back or legs, can be treated in about 15 minutes!

Laser Hair Removal

  • InMode’s Triton has contact cooling that makes the treatment a lot more tolerable than traditional lasers. If desired, we also have numbing cream that can be applied before your treatment.

  • There is no downtime, however, you many feel a sunburn sensation for a few days after the treatment. The provider will also go over all of the aftercare instructions with you.

  • Triton is safe and effective on darker skin tones. The technology brings a blend of wavelengths and optimizes them with high power to provide hair removal for darker skin.

  • Avoid waxing, tweezing, or plucking your hair 4 weeks before your treatment. If you are planning on doing LHR, stop the use of Accutane 6 months before and Retinol 1 week before your treatment.

    Avoid UV exposure such as tanning beds and sun tanning 2 weeks before your appointment.

    Shave the area 48- 24 hours in advance and not the morning of your appointment. Shaving the morning of your appointment can affect treatment results.