Sculptra is known as the collagen builder and promotes collagen production. It is excellent for adding volume to the entire face, and it is also used in the treatment of a non- surgical buttock augmentation. As we age, our body’s collagen production decreases causing our skin to lose volume and elasticity. Sculptra is good to restore that collagen loss for a more youthful, natural, and glowing look.

Sculptra is a PPLA (Poly-L Lactic Acid) that is injected into the skin, causing a chronic inflammatory response that promote our body to heal itself and create new collagen. Sculptra differs from filler because it does not fill, as it is not a filler, but rather it is a biostimulator and works gradually to restore collagen to improve the fullness and volume to the skin. Sculptra treats the root cause of aging and slows down the process so you look and feel younger.

What areas can Sculptra treat?

  • Mid- face

  • Cheeks

  • Mouth

  • Jaw area

  • Temples

  • Lips

  • Hands

  • Butt- augmentation

Sculptra Injections:

Sculptra for Non- Surgical Butt Augmentation:

Sculptra stimulates the production of collagen and elastin resulting in increased volume in the buttocks. The Sculptra butt- augmentation adds roundness and fullness to the butt, giving you the desired results without the need for surgery. Sculptra Butt Augmentation is great for individuals who want to avoid surgery and want to improve the shape and fullness of their buttocks. Sculptra is also great to increase fullness and volume in the ‘hip dip’ areas to give a curvy and hourglass shape.

Sculptra for Hand Restoration:

Sculptra is also great for the restoration of aging hands. Your hands go through a lot, and they are the most sun- damaged parts of your body causing your hands to lose elasticity and show signs of aging. Sculptra stimulates collagen and elastin production causing your hands to look smoother and younger.

  • Our providers will do a full consultation and create a treatment plan with you to help you reach your aesthetic goal. During the consultation, our providers will get a medical history, talk to you about your concerns, and give you their treatment recommendations.

  • Before your Sculptra treatment, it is recommended to avoid the use of blood thinners such as aspirin and ibuprofen for 24 hours. If you take it due to a cardiac disease, DO NOT STOP TAKING blood thinners.

    Begin taking Arnica 24 hours before your treatment to help minimize swelling and bruising.

    Do not drink alcohol 24 hours before your treatment.

  • On treatment day, you will arrive, and you will seated on the treatment chair. A topical anesthetic will be applied to the treatment area for about 20 minutes, to reach the numbing effect. Our providers will use a small needle to inject the product into the treatment area, causing minimal discomfort. The total time for the procedure can range from 20- 45 minutes. Bruising and swelling may occur.

  • After the procedure, avoid strenuous activity, hot tubs, saunas, blood thinners, and alcohol consumption for the next 24 hours. If you take blood thinners due to a cardiac disease, DO NOT STOP TAKING blood thinners. Use arnica to alleviate any bruising or swelling.

    After the Sculptra treatment you will see an increase in volume due to the water retention but usually that will subside within a few days.

    It will be very important for you to follow the 5-5-5 rule: massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days to avoid any bumps or lumps from the product.

  • Results from Sculptra are gradual and you can expect to start seeing results 4-6 weeks after your first treatment and full results, 4-6 weeks after your last treatment.

  • Results can last up to 2 years. Actual patient results may vary.